# micrach Go tryout. Single board imageboard. UPD: stopped the service from the link above, too much shit posted from TOR, don't have time to moderate :( ## Motivation Tired of a fucking SPAs, so I decided to write this simple and lightweight imageboard (microboard, actually) with as less JS as possible. Also, I wanted to learn Go, so I decided to write this in Go. Maybe I'll add an api and create a SPA with the Next.js framework in the future, but right now I'm trying to make this as simple as possible. ## Prerequisites 1. Go 1.13+. 2. PostgreSQL. 3. Create `.env` file from `.env.example`, change env vars to your needs. 4. Create db with the name that is specified in `.env` file in `POSTGRES_URL` env var. ## Run Just run: ```sh go run main.go ``` **In development** I prefer to run it with [nodemon](https://github.com/remy/nodemon) for live reload. ## How it looks ![SCR-20230509-jreo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15846431/237027105-481f2d55-541b-4c3b-8dd0-db464c25102f.jpeg)