# example: 123456789:AAAA-abc123_AbcdEFghijKLMnopqrstu12 (without quotes!) BOT_TOKEN=YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE POSTGRES_USER=olgram # example: x2y0n27ihiez93kmzj82 (without quotes!) POSTGRES_PASSWORD=SOME_RANDOM_PASSWORD_HERE POSTGRES_DB=olgram POSTGRES_HOST=postgres # example: i7flci0mx4z5patxnl6m (without quotes!) TOKEN_ENCRYPTION_KEY=SOME_RANDOM_PASSWORD_HERE # use your user id or group chat id to restrict access to the bot # ADMIN_ID=223453418 # example: or my_domain.com (without quotes, without 'https://' prefix!) WEBHOOK_HOST=YOUR_HOST_HERE # allowed: 80, 443, 8080, 8443 WEBHOOK_PORT=8443 # use that if you don't set up your own domain and let's encrypt certificate CUSTOM_CERT=true REDIS_PATH=redis://redis