insurance: definition: agreement whereby on undertakes to indemnity for a compensation (premium) against damages, loss, liability arising from an unknown or contingent event characteristics: risk distributing adhesion aleatory uberrimae fides personal elements: insurable interest risk of loss assumption scheme to distribute premiums insurable interest: life: childrenDirection:down every person has: a. on himself, spouse, children b. on whom he depens wholly\\nsupport\npecuniary c. legal obligation for payment of money\nor respecting property or service\n~on debtor's life d. upon whose life any estate or interest\nvested in him depends b,c,d requires pecuniary interest general test.. interested in the preservation distinction: extent time when interest must exist beneficiary's interest\nand consent of insurer at assignment property: matter of public policy\nestoppel not applicable if he derives pecuniary benefit or advantage from preservation and pecuniary loss, damage, prejudice by its destruction existing interest or inchoate interest founded upon existing interest or expectancy couple with existing interest change of interest in thing: suspends the insurance until the interest in thing\nand in the insurance\is vested on same person premium: is the consideration paid section 77: no policy issued or renewed is binding until payment of premium as amended: RA 10607, 90-day credit extension\nunder broker agency agreement exceptions: childrenDirection:down (UCPB General vs Masagana, citing Makati Tuscany) 1. life, grace period 2. acknowlegement in the policy 3. installments and partial paymen 4. credit term agreed 5. estoppel on both parties devises for controlling risk: concealment: neglect to communication that which knows and ought to notes: entitles insurer to rescind\neven for unrelated cause of injury good faith not a defense\nwhether intentional or unintentional test of materiality: reasonable influence on forming estimates misrepresentation: factual statements, made prior to issuance induce him to enter into insurance contract\n(collateral inducement) same test on materiality entitles rescission the moment .. becomes false warranties: statements or promises by the insured set forth in the policy untruth, regardless of prejudice makes contract voidable entitles rescission, exception: loss before time of performance of warranty performance becomes unlawful or impossible representation vs warranty: collateral, part of contract may be oral representation must be established vs conclusively presumed representation need only be substantially true incontestibility: life insurance payable at death in force during the lifetime of the insured for a period of two years double insurance: same insured same subject matter same interest same risk two or more insurers insuring separately claim: settlement: 60 days from notice, proof of death 30 days from ascertainment of loss or\nif no ascertainment\n90 from submission of proof of loss proof of loss: without necessary delay only substanial complaince of proof is required prescrition: enforcement of contract ~ 10 years from cause accrues if there is stipulation, not less than 1 year cause of action accrues at final rejection, not from loss